Category Archives: What I have learned this week…

Make a wish…


IMG_1910_resizedHow often do we dream with whatever we want to happen but the closer we are the more scared we get and the harder it seems to reach it? Why don’t we dare? Where does the resistance come from? What are we afraid of? Don’t we deserve it?

Although I am doing very good with many things in my life, I still feel some resistance. I know it is the general feeling for many people, some things are moving and shaking, but in other areas nothing seems to happen…

This weekend I spend some time with someone who reminded me that everything is possible, that we just have to create our chances and get them! Thank you Maarten! That was a precious tip!

On the other hand tonight it is new moon, perfect moment to create new things in our lives… November has just started and is certainly going to bring many new things in my life. The year is about to end but still many things have to develop one way or another, so let’s help it a little bit!

Sunday eve I wrote my wish down and this week I am showing up more than ever… I am sure I will see amazing results very soon! :) Mliracles happen every day! I believe in it, I embrace them and I allow them to happen! Do you want the same in your life? Go out of your comfort zone and make it happen, it is  much easier than we think!! We just have to be ready and take action :) I am… What about you? ;-)

Thank you everyone for such an amazing weekend. Thank you in advance for the great week ahead with new energy and old friends visiting, it’s going to be awesome!

What is your wish? :)

Big hug and much ♥,

You can run away, but your fears will come along if you don’t face them…


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City, job, friends… You can make any major change in your life, but if you do it expecting to become happier just like that instead looking for the reason why you need those changes,  I’m afraid you will still have to confront the issues some time int he future…

I had it for a long time with the destinations I was living in. When things would start to become harder for whatever reason or they would not look the way I would like to, I would come up with a new plan to flee…

I am not saying that we should never make changes in our lives, of course we have to in order to develop and go after what we want. However we tend to think that the grass is greener at the other side… If we would just stop. think and look inside of us to see what’s going on we would save a lot energy trying to change the “wrong thing”.

I have recently felt fear. But for once I decided not to run away. I am not only staying in the same city this time but I am also chasing my dream and working hard to get it! I am not going to hide or hold back any more, because I am worth it, as simple as that!

Thank you Marina for helping me realise how much I have to offer and how important it is to face our fears, with support everything is possible! I am very grateful for all the new people in my life that are supporting me, I could not be happier that they all appeared at the right moment! :) Let’s do it, let’s shine all together! :-)

What is it what you are avoiding doing? What are you afraid of? I feel now safe, and it feels great!

Big hug and much love,


If I can do it, you can do it… ;-) Just dare to try!


2013-10-20 13.18.48Today I have accomplished one of my biggest challenges and goals before I turn 30, I have run a 5km race! :) Yesssssssss! For some people it might not mean much, but for me it means EVERyTHiNG!

I admit it, I never liked running, and although I had tried to start several times in the last 6 years, I never managed to run more than 20′ without stopping… Today, for the first time in my life and after 42min I achieved one of my dreams!

Although I knew I was ready for the challenge, I freaked out when we were about to start… I started to stare at all the participants, they all looked soooo professional… :( Fortunately my friend, flatmate and run-buddy Tim was there to remind that I should not compare myself to others. What a big true! :)

I panicked for a second…: “what if I am the last one?” Well, someone has to be, right… ?

3, 2, 1, GO! We start running and everybody passes my by… There is just one thing that crosses my mind: “You are going to do this, you can do this… don’t think of the others, you can go slow, it’s fine, but you are going to make it! Everyone has its own rhythm, just make sure you can follow yours so that you don’t have to stop or go walking. Keep your head up, breath and keep running, you are AwEsOmE!“.

When I realised I had run my first 20′ I was already alone, hehe. Even the 80 years old man had passed me… I felt the energy to keep on running, I felt powerful, but I suddenly began to cry… At that moment I was going to make it, like everything else in my life I could dream about… I was there, thanks to my inner force and the support of many people. At that very moment it was not about the race anymore, it was about my whole life and all the challenges I have faced and that are on my way! It was not about me anymore, it was about everyone’s dreams! If I could do it, everyone could do it! Everything is possible, you just have to train, trust and dare to try it! :)

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When I finished I waited for Tim, who went for the 10k. He did amazingly great, he crossed the end of race just 6′ after me!! :) He could not believe it, we were both supper happy of our performances! :) Congrats Tim, and thank you VERY, VERY MUCH! You know I will never ever forget you, “we wrote history… :P”

Now, we will keep on training and go for the next step, but if I could do this, I have no doubt that in december I will be able to run my first 10k! I will tell you more about it then!

Which has been your biggest challenge so far?

Big, big hug and much ♥,

P.D. I did finish the last one from the 5k, but you know what? I am very happy and super proud of myself that I dared to try and I made it! :D

Thoughts and efects after a 4 days detox… :)


Are you curious about  what happened after a few days following a gentle detox? MaGiC! hahaha. Four days is not enough to feel all the benefits of a detox, actually it is when you start feeling that your body is releasing all the toxins and somehow it makes you want more! As I told you in my last post Laura came to share the experience with me, so here we are with our first green juice, as happy as we could be :)

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Although I normally follow a quite healthy diet (quite a lot of raw food, vegan, gluten and sugar-free based), it did have an impact in my body….  I was feeling very light and “high”, hehe (which kind of funny since I never take any drugs). I was missing some energy, but we also did a lot of things, so I guess it is normal…  (Next time I will be resting MUCH more and drinking more water!! hahaha)

The idea was to eat super healthy, exercise, stay away from the social media and re-connect with myself. What really happened is that we talked to many interesting people and we spent some hours talking, walking, cycling, shopping, teaching Spanish, working, resting, cooking, sight-seeing, drinking tea and green juices, having fun and enjoying our healthy food. As a result of all that I leave you my main thoughts:

  • Everything happens for a reason“. There are no mistakes, we are where we are supposed to be
  • After looking back to my life I realised how happy I am for having so many good memories  and lovely experiences… ♥
  • Patience, everything has its right moment
  • Follow your heart, your inner voice or however you wanna call it, it’s always right!
  • I am doing great, I am doing what I am supposed to be doing :)
  • Take action! Baby steps are fine too, but take them!
  • If your body is talking to you, listen! It might be important…
  • You already have all you need, most of the times is right in front of you but you can’t see it…
  • Take some time off, there is no need to be connected to everyone all the time, better to be connected to yourself!

This was just door to a new beginning… It’s time to fly and shine! I am already busy with my next projects, waiting for the right people to come to my life to help me develop them and grow together! In the meantime, I will get started with my baby steps, don’t miss any post, it’s going to be super interesting!

Thanks a lot Laura for such a MAGIC weekend! See you in November Soul Sister… ♥




Big hug and much love,

Gone to the beach…? – A dream come true :)



I can’t express how happy I am today! :) For the first time since I can remember I have been swimming in the sea and a lake the last two weekends! I was always the one saying “thanks for the invite, but no… :(“. Although I would like to join to whatever outside summer activity I would always come up with a “good excuse”: “I’m allergic to the sun”, “it is too hot for me”,” I don’t feel like it”…  I’ve missed all kind of cool events in the summer thanks to my “fears” and my allergy…

What has changed then? Well, my diet and my thoughts to begin with… :)

If you think you can, or you think you cannot, you are right!

-Henry Ford-

Since last summer I’ve quit dairy and my intake of veggies (specially the green ones) has almost doubled, which has nearly finished with my skin problems (I have suffered from eczema and other issues during my whole life). This week, for the first time in YEARS I went outside when it was warm and the sun was shining in my shorts and t-shirt (no long trousers or long sleeve shirts)! You might not know me, but no-one had ever seen me like that in my adult life! hahaha

The best of all?I had lots of fun saying “yes” to going to the beach or the lake, playing sports under the sun in my bikini, swimming, playing at the water sledge AND getting a tanned! Of course I used a lot of sun cream, but I didn’t get burned, eczema or whatsoever! :)

Moral: eat tons of veggies instead of processed food and believe that anything is possible. Getting tanned was my Christmas wish for this year… :) Thank you Universe for guiding me towards it, It is one of the best presents EVER! :)

Which dream would you like to make come true?

Big hug and have a great summer! (I will… :P)

P.S. Visualisation has also helped me A LOT, hehehe ;-)

What makes you feel good? Upgrade your day with simple acts!


feel_good_today_quoteI know, I have been a bit absent the las couple of weeks, sorry for that! I’ve been tracing a new plan and getting some insight in my life! I’ve understood how important it is to feel good with whatever I do and the people around me… I realised that I can choose how I want to feel about anything after having gone through it… I also realised that if I do more of what makes me feel good, I am happier and have more energy to make my dreams come true. It doesn’t have to be something big, something the smallest things in life give us the most! :)

These are a few things that make ME feel good!

  • Smile with no reason, smile to someone I do not know and see they smile back!
  • Listening to my favorite song
  • Send a thank you and/or I love you message, especially if you get positive feedback ;-)
  • Buy me some flowers and put them in my room
  • Refresh my house opening the windows (fresh air is always great!)
  • Go for a walk alongside the water
  • Play with animals or kids
  • Accomplish my to do list
  • Do some sports and have a warm shower afterwards
  • Eat with my friends and/or family
  • Laugh out loud, make a joke among friends
  • Speak in my mother tongue
  • Stop for a while, breath, meditate…
  • Surprise my best friend  with an unexpected phone call
  • Give a hug to my roomies

What about you? What do you do to feel good? What is your next step for changing your mood and feel good today?

Big hug,

Let things come to you…


Let things come to you

What to do when time passes by and things just don’t happen? Well, instead of trying to catch them hard, maybe we should allow them to come to us… After considering a new strategy to pursue my dreams during the last days, this came to me. Here you are a text from “Daily Guidance From Your Angels”, by Doreen Virtue:

Take It Easy

“Sometimes you struggle and strain to achieve so much that you unwittingly block yourself. This is especially true when you want something so bad that you try over and over again to make it happen.

The universe responds to the fear imprinted into the energy of struggle. This underlying anxiety that maybe what you desire won’t materialise is mirrored back to you in the form of limitations, delays, and unsatisfactory manifestations.

That’s why surrendering brings about immediate results. When you deliver your wish to the universe, you also release the fears that previously blocked you. Letting go is a statement that says, “I know my wish is manifesting in the best possible way, even if I’m not certain exactly how it will happen.” This faith is akin to opening the front door and welcoming your desire into your home.

Take it easy today, and allow the universe to do the work of creating your dreams. Your job was done once you made the wish, so turn it over to God and enjoy the creative ways in which your prayers are answered.”

So, will you take it easy now? I will… Everything happens for a reason…. ;-)

Big hug and tons of patience! xx

 Btw, thank you Jess Ainscough for being such a great inspiration! :)