Tag Archives: Special Diets

Eating Vegan in… Ghent! @ Avalon!


Dagschotel Avalon

Two weeks ago I had a very spacial visit, my friend Olga from Budapest! After a very nice but rainy evening around Ghent we wanted to eat something… Where should we go?!?! Well, she’s fine with everything, but for me it is not that easy to find a vegan place where I can also eat gluten-free! Fortunately Avalon was still open by the time that we got hungry :) 

They do have menu but we went for the “Dagschotel” or “today’s speciality” and we got this amazing dish full of tasty veggies and quinoa, all organic! I could not say what I liked the most, it was all amazing! 

Do you want to know more about this place, visit their website: www.restaurantavalon.be

I highly recommend it if you want to eat very good (and feel full afterwards) at a reasonable price, 15,60€ (for such a delicious vegan and organic dish was is not much, right?)

If you visit then I hope you enjoyed as much as I did! Smakelijk! 

Big hug and much love,

Sara.es on the GO! 

Eating healthy @Gitanekesfoor, lots of options!!


405586_468343946584014_1824370572_nAt the beginning of September I went working to a nice gypsy circus and music festival in Belgium, Gitanekesfoor. As always, I had planned most of my meals in advance but fortunately I had also left some room for nice surprises! :) 

The catering in the festival was much different from most festivals I’ve been to… Organic fries, vegetarian balls, gluten-free pancakes, watermelon, fresh made juices or home-made pizza among other dishes definitely upgraded the experience of all us! :)

Here you are the most vegan, gluten and sugar-free options!

Vega met Ballen:416472_466476660080841_1331553615_o

This little caravan assisted by 4 lovely Dutch girls   very tasty pitas filled with fresh salad and all kind of veggie balls. Since I don’t take any gluten, they offered me a dish with falafel and salad, OMG, sooo yummy!!


Unfortunately I don’t have a picture, it didn’t last long on my plate… hihi. Thank you girls, you are doing an amazing job!! Good luck and hope to meet you again in any other festival!

You can find them here www.vegametballen.nl  and on FB!




De Sappentrapper:

Have you ever ridden a bike to get your own fruit juice? This this I don’t mean to take your bike to get to the store, hehe. Now it is possible! This creative company gives you the chance to make your own  fresh made fruit juice that you blend yourself at the same time you practice some exercise… Plus it is very ecological because they don’t need any electricity! Amazing, right? :)


Well, this is me preparing my morning juice! Could not be happier… :) If you want to have such an experience contact them through his website www.sappentrapper.be or via FB




De NatuurFrituur: DNFlogoblog27dec12BIS

I will not say much about it because it deserves a whole post for itself! This cooperative not only uses organic products from A to Z but it is also completely vegetarian with some vegan options! It is true that fried fries are not super heathy, but the whole concept involves a very conscious alternative…


To get to know more about them (us, I am proud to say that I work for them), visit www.denatuurfrituur.blogspot.be or FB!






VZW Katapult:


At last but not least, milk and gluten-free pancakes (baked with bookweit)! Ok, true, they contain eggs (so they are not vegan), but ehh, that’s already something, right? :)  Plus their friendly staff you can put on top of your pancake whatever you like!

Do you want to know more about them? Visit www.vzwkatapult.blogspot.be!

Well, that was it! Thank you all for giving us so many wonderful alternatives for a more eco-healthy-friendly world! Wish you luck, hope to see you (at least) next year again! :)

Big hug and much love,
